Thursday, June 23, 2011

Announcements for the Week of June 23 to 30 2011

Appointments for the week of June 27 to July 1

 June 27 to July 1 Mona will be out of the office.  Ms. Reva will be available during 1:30-4:00pm walk-in advising hours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (June 28-30).  Any students who need to see an advisor outside of the Tuesday-Thursday afternoon advising hours MUST email  and CC Ms. Bailey will confirm via email any appointments scheduled directly with you.  As we are notifying students in advance we ask students to understand that last minute assistance cannot be accommodated. 

Afternoon walk-in advising hours on Tuesday June 28, Wednesday June 29, and Thursday June 30 will be from 1:30 to 4:00pm.  All other times will be by appointment only during June 27 to July 1.

Campus Closed Monday July 4 2011

The University will be closed on Monday July 4 2011 for the Independence Holiday.   To get an updated list of fireworks in Huntsville check next week.

F-1 Off Campus Employment Workshops 

If you have not attended an off campus employment workshop and are considering working off-campus in an internship or Co-op position (fall semester) or are completing degree requirements in August, sign up today. 2 workshops dates have been scheduled for the summer 2011 semester to accommodate student schedules and one remains.  Students MUST attend a workshop before an advisor can meet to discuss individual questions.

Email  to reserve your space for Monday July 11 from 1:00 to 2:30pm. All workshops are limited to 10 students each and will be held in Conference Room 116 in MADISON HALL.


Once again, we are looking for current students and recent alumni interested in volunteering to welcome the group of newly admitted students arriving to start their degrees at UAHuntsville this August. We have plenty to do to prepare for the arrival of new students and want to be sure that we provide the best welcome and assistance possible to help all of the new students to be successful academically and personally. With your help we can meet our office goals! We are in need of students with a variety of talents and interests. While we wish I could hire international students in paid positions, the ISSO budget does not provide funds to hire students. We will try to have some fun "incentives" to thank you for your hard work

If you would like to volunteer in the office occasionally during the summer semester or specifically during the peak arrival times of the new students please send an email to  with your full name, email address you prefer to receive correspondence, phone number, languages you speak, your summer availability (especially between August 7-August 17) and any details you think we need to know about you to help us as we prepare for the fall student arrival activities.

Thank you,
International Student Advisors
International Student and Scholar Office

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