Thursday, May 14, 2009

Important graduation and OPT information

Important information regarding completion of degree requirements and OPT:
Over the last two semesters, we have seen fewer and fewer students apply for OPT. This trend has prompted us to send email message addressing the difference between graduation and completion of studies.

We understand that the present economy has affected the job market in the U.S. There are fewer jobs available and we recognize the uncertainty that you are facing. We are working with the Career Development Services office as they are planning a “Career Week” of presentations this fall. These presentations will address; resume writing, interviewing, job searching, professional dress etc. All are aimed to assist our UAHuntsville student’s in their job search after graduation.

Most of you are probably aware of the new immigration law allowing a maximum of 90 days of unemployment during authorized OPT. Please know that we discuss the unemployment provision and other OPT issues in detail at our off-campus workshops. Plan to come to a workshop to get all of the details regarding off-campus work authorization.

Please consider the following as you consider your graduation and OPT options:

- Degree requirements for graduate and undergraduate programs are printed in the university catalog. A student’s Program of Study (POS) details the academic requirements that must be met in order to earn the corresponding degree(s).
- The singed POS determines when a student will complete degree requirements NOT the application for graduation.
- Classes not listed on the POS are electives (not required for degree completion) and can be taken while enrolled in required courses but cannot be added to a POS after the completion of required classes to “extend” the period of study.
- Graduation or commencement is a ceremony that publicly recognizes students who have completed all of their degree requirements (awarding degrees).
- After you complete all degree requirements listed on your program of study your I-20 will be shortened to reflect your actual date of completion. F-1 students have 60 days after degree completion to apply for OPT. If you fail to apply for OPT within the 60 days after you complete all degree requirements, you will lose eligibility to apply for OPT.
- When a student applies for OPT, our office is required to thoroughly review the POS and university transcripts to determine eligibility for OPT.

For example:
Student has completed all required course work and degree requirements on their POS in spring 2009 but has decided to take an elective class (either during summer or fall 2009). In effect, the student is adding an elective class to the end of their program with the intent to delay graduation and hopefully have better prospects for employment.

If the student applies for graduation in summer or fall of 2009 and submits an OPT application to begin anytime after the spring 2009 60 day grace period (based on the completion of their required academic work). Our OPT review process will reveal that the student actually completed all his/her degree requirements in spring. That student will unfortunately not be eligible for OPT because the 60 day grace period after completion of degree requirements will have passed.

In summary, don’t plan to delay your graduation by taking elective courses after completing required coursework/thesis. If you are adding electives to the end of your program, you will endanger your eligibility for OPT. We obviously do not want students to be ineligible for OPT through misunderstanding the complexities. If you are concerned about timing your OPT and degree completion, please come to walk in advising so that we can discuss your options.

We have one more off-campus workshop scheduled for May. There will be no more workshops scheduled until September. This is the last opportunity to attend a workshop until fall. Along with detailing eligibility and the process of applying for OPT, workshops give the opportunity to ask questions. We also discuss the 90 day unemployment period and give students ideas on how to avoid unemployment. The last workshop will be:

May 22nd; 3:00-4:00 in UC 131

Email me your name if you are interested in attending.

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