Monday, November 19, 2012

Announcements for Nov 19 to 26 2012 
Campus closed November 22 and 23
UAHuntsville will be closed Thursday November 22 and Friday November 23 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Off campus employment for graduating students December 2012
For those of you completing all degree requirements this fall, December 15 2012 will be your completion date. If you would like to start your post-completion OPT application advisors suggest doing so around 09/16/2012 since processing can take between 30-90 days before you will get your EAD card from Immigration.  You have between now (Immigration allows students to send completed post completion OPT applications 90 days before their expected completion date) and 60 days after you complete your degree requirements 02/13/2013 to send a complete OPT application if you will be applying for the OPT benefit. OPT is OPTIONAL and not mandatory but is one option students have after completing a degree.
Immigration must receive a completed application and issue you are receipt by the end of your grace period so the latest you should send an application is 01/20/2013
 (if you are completing all degree requirements in December and plan to apply for OPT).
Regardless of when you apply for post completion OPT you can request a start date in this time period: December 17, 2012 to February 13, 2013.  Please see an advisor during walk-ins if you have any questions and refer to our website materials:
UAH Scholarship - International Students ARE eligible, APPLY SOON!

The UAHuntsville scholarship application for the 2013/2014 academic year is now available. To be considered in the first round of awarding, please submit your scholarship application by the priority deadline of December 1, 2012. 
UAHuntsville has only one scholarship application and it is only available online.  This application may be accessed at: It may also be accessed through by going to the Student Financial Services site.
If you currently receive a scholarship, you may re-apply each year you are a student to be considered for additional awards.
*Note that some scholarships require submission of a scholarship application every year in order to renew-please check your specific scholarship description. 

Travel Signatures

Please note all students leaving the United States at any time must have a travel signature on the SEVIS I-20 form to enter the US (as well as a passport, F-1 visa, and enrollment verification letter from Charger Central). Advisors request at least 2 weeks advance notice to ensure the I-20 is signed on time; please drop off your most recent I-20 with a request form completed with travel info: dates, place, expiration (visa/passport). There will not be a signing day as in the past therefore students are encouraged to drop off travel signature requests as soon as possible once travel is planned. Once advisors sign off on the I-20 we will call the telephone number provided or email the UAH email address on file.
Though the signatures are technically good for 365 days from the date signed, Advisors recommend students to get a new travel signature each semester. Not having a travel signature will cause problems and possibly denial at the port of entry.

Thank you and safe travels! 


Many thanks to all for the support and assistance which made Harvest Dinner a huge success! It would not have been possible without the many volunteers and multiple offices who helped prior to and during the event. We look forward to seeing you all next year and hope you had as much fun as we did!
Thank you, Mona, Sabrina, and Reva
International Student and Scholar Office
Walk-In Advising Hours (no appointment needed) 
Monday and Friday from 10:00am to 12:00pm NOON  and 
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1:30 to 4:00pm

International Student and Scholar Office, The University of Alabama in Huntsville · 
UC 118·UAHuntsville
301 Sparkman Drive Huntsville, AL 35899 ·

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